The Sausage Project: exclusive lunch at Clooney with Caroline Niebling

15 August 2019, 12:00 PM
Take five innovative Kiwi chefs, add a Dutch future-food expert, throw in a leading Auckland restaurant, and what do you have? What you have is the recipe for The Sausage Project – a one-off, five-course lunch collaboration between Zurich-based future food designer, researcher and author Carolien Niebling and some of New Zealand’s best chefs: Nobu Lee (Clooney), Michael Meredith (Merediths), Giulio Sturla (Roots), Vaughn Mabee (Amisfield) and Brian Campbell (Miann).
For her recent book, The Sausage of the Future, Nieblings teamed up with a chef of molecular gastronomy and a master butcher to look at the ways the humble sausage can make a valuable contribution to sustainable food culture. Now it’s the turn of New Zealand’s best chefs to rethink the sausage.
Clooney owner Tony Stewart says the chance to collaborate with Neiblings was too good to pass up.
“Expect to see great New Zealand produce used in interesting, innovative and unexpected ways. There will be explorations of vegetarian, seafood and meat ingredients, as well as some special dishes we’re labelling ‘protein of the future’ and ‘waste not want not’. You may even see New Zealand’s first dessert sausage. And Carolien will be on hand to give a special talk about how and what we might be eating in the future.”
Tickets for the five-course lunch are just $65 (includes a glass of ARA Resolute or an Asahi beer).