Enjoy Contemporary Art Space

Established in June 2000, Enjoy Contemporary Art Space is a leading independent contemporary art space located in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Located on Left Bank, just off Cuba Street, Enjoy generates and facilitates contemporary art projects to support the development of new work and promote critical discourse around contemporary practice in Aotearoa.
This kaupapa is carried out through exhibitions, an annual residency, an open call for proposals, offsite projects, public programmes and publications. Enjoy provides both emerging and established practitioners with opportunities to develop new and innovative work.
Governed by a board of trustees, in a Tia Tuarua Co-Chair model, Enjoy strives to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi through our strategic leadership and work with artists. We acknowledge Te Āti Awa/Taranaki ki Te Upoko o Te Ika and the neighbouring Ngāti Toa iwi as the mana whenua of this region and rightful custodians of the land upon which we stand.
This kaupapa is carried out through exhibitions, an annual residency, an open call for proposals, offsite projects, public programmes and publications. Enjoy provides both emerging and established practitioners with opportunities to develop new and innovative work.
Governed by a board of trustees, in a Tia Tuarua Co-Chair model, Enjoy strives to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi through our strategic leadership and work with artists. We acknowledge Te Āti Awa/Taranaki ki Te Upoko o Te Ika and the neighbouring Ngāti Toa iwi as the mana whenua of this region and rightful custodians of the land upon which we stand.
Enjoy delivers our programme with investment of our primary funders Creative New Zealand Arts Council Toi Aotearoa, and additional support from Wellington City Council, community funding and fundraising initiatives.