Wallaby Water

Our world needs more go-getters, do-gooders and trailblazers doing good, better. That's why Wallaby is bringing you deliciously fresh Australian spring water in the planet's most recycled and most recyclable packaging. There's nothing added but a lot given back; proceeds from every can supports our magnificent Aussie wildlife.
Pesky plastic bottles enter our oceans, streams and landfill, wreaking havoc on our natural environment and inhabitants (not just you and me), the magnificent wildlife of Australia. Ingested plastics have been found in nearly every species of sea life, causing the death of millions of birds, mammals and fishes.
In June 2019, Wallaby launched a simple 375ml can of still spring water. In a few short years, we’ve launched a bubbly counterpart and a resealable aluminium bottle, replacing over 4.5 million plastic bottles to date. This is just the beginning as we tackle plastic head-on.
In June 2019, Wallaby launched a simple 375ml can of still spring water. In a few short years, we’ve launched a bubbly counterpart and a resealable aluminium bottle, replacing over 4.5 million plastic bottles to date. This is just the beginning as we tackle plastic head-on.