Morgan Yeo
Director ∙ Roger&Sons

Roger&Sons is a team of ethical makers and mavericks who craft fine furniture and thoughtful objects.
Their work is driven by inquiry, and spans the disciplines of furniture, industrial, and product design, as well as woodworking. Roger&Sons prides itself on its process: the team prototypes extensively, testing novel ideas and new materials. They make intuitive furniture and objects in small batches – products that fit and function intelligently.
To preserve the dying trade and educate further generations about Singaporean trees and woodworking, Roger&Sons initiated The Local Tree Project, part of its mission to become an environmentally sustainable company. The Local Tree Project is an effort to salvage trees that are destined to die — in an environment where there isn’t room for the old and outdated. Currently, there are multiple sawmills in Singapore with massive stockpiles of abandoned logs. More than 100 logs arrive each day, with no immediate purpose other than to be turned into wood chips or shipping pallets someday. The stockpiles are the result of felling trees for urban development. But because of a lack of infrastructure to process the logs into usable forms, and a preference for importing wood, these logs are simply left to rot. Around 15,000 more trees are slated to be felled over the next 15 years. Against a backdrop of throwaway culture, the abandoned logs are rehabilitated into future-proof, durable objects. Every part of the tree is utilised — a conscious effort to minimise wastage. Sawdust, shavings and wood chips get a new life as fertiliser, packaging material, or are used to soak up spills.
Roger&Sons clients have included W Hotels, BOSE, Google, Facebook and WeWork.