Tayi Tibble

Tayi Tibble is a poet, writer and content creator from Te Whanganui a Tara (Te Whānau-ā-Apanui / Ngāti Porou).
She is a staff writer at The Pantograph Punch, the editor of the most recent edition of the literary journal Sport (VUP, 2019), a publicity assistant at Victoria University Press, and writes a monthly column at Re:News called ‘Māori and The City’.
Tayi is a graduate of The International Institute of Modern Letters where she was the recipient of the 2017 Adam Foundation Prize for best manuscript. Her first book, Poūkahangatus, was published by Victoria University Press in 2018 and was the recipient of the Jesse McKay Prize at the 2019 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards.
Her essay about her time at Ihumātao, ‘Everyone was there e hoa’, was the winner of the 2020 Voyager Media Award for best personal essay. She has published and performed widely, both in Aotearoa and abroad.