Yvonne Weldon

Yvonne Weldon is a proud Wiradjuri woman.
From a young age, she developed a passion and commitment to bringing about positive change for Aboriginal people and communities and has 30 years’ experience working in key government and Aboriginal organisations. Yvonne has a passion for improving the lives of all through health, social justice, Aboriginal rights, children/youth rights, education, child protection, minimising our carbon footprint, community wellbeing, research and evaluation.
Yvonne is the first Aboriginal person to be elected to the City of Sydney Council in its 180-year history. As someone whose great grandfather and extended family endured the stolen generation, Yvonne demonstrates political courage to defy obstacles and lead the change for generations to come. As an elected Councillor, Yvonne is motivated to fight for equality by helping others find their voice and influence change amongst the community by encouraging values of togetherness, culture, and justice for generations to come. With a thriving desire for climate action, Yvonne believes in a ‘greener Sydney’ and a leader in climate change, with a focus on greener spaces, parks and sporting facilities and significant reductions in our carbon footprint. Her inspiration is to also provide cutting edge careers with equal opportunities for all and an affordable City for people to live and thrive in.
Yvonne is the current Deputy Chairperson of the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, Deputy Chairperson of the NSW Australia Day Council, Board member of Domestic Violence NSW and a Board member of Redfern Jarjum College. Yvonne has held key positions in NSW Government and Aboriginal Community Controlled sectors. Yvonne is the 2022 NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year.